Monday, August 14, 2023

The Tin Drum by Günter Grass

Name: Günter Grass

Year Won: 1999

Read: The Tin Drum

Original Language: German

Reason: "whose frolicsome black fables portray the forgotten face of history"

About: The Tin Drum follows the lives of a number of eccentric people in a family, particularly the titlar Tin Drummer.

What I liked: The characters are quirky and weird and quite entertaining.

What I Disliked: This feels like a typical story that the Nobel committee likes. Weird, quirkly characters, spoken about in a unique, literary way. With no plot, since apparently plots ruin stories.

Should it have won a Nobel: Well, this is definitely the kind of thing the committee likes. I tend to like plots, so wasn't enormously fond of it. With that said, there are stories I've disliked tremendously more and I did very much enjoy the quirkiness of this novel.

Next Up: "Soul Mountain" by Gao Xingjian

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