Name: Seamus Heaney
Year Won: 1995
Read: Opened Ground
Original Language: English
Reason: "for works of lyrical beauty and ethical depth, which exalt everyday miracles and the living past"
About: Opened Ground is a collection of poetry. Most of the themes seem to be fairly typical, ordinary things observed around Ireland.
What I liked: I liked the focus on the ordinary and mundane world, explored with unique and unusual insight. I also loved how some of the teim, Heaney blended the past and present, the mythic and the real.
What I Disliked: Not much. I enjoyed Heaney's poetry.
Should it have won a Nobel: I always have a hard time with poetry and it's so difficult for me to judge what makes a poem "good" vs "bad". But I liked these, so sure. Why not?
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