Friday, September 9, 2022

"Selected Poems" by Czesław Miłosz

Name: Czesław Miłosz

Year Won: 1980

Read: Selected Poems

Original Language: Polish

Reason: "who with uncompromising clear-sightedness voices man's exposed condition in a world of severe conflicts"

About: Hey, more poems! Which is to say, do you like poems? I don't know if you do or not, but the Nobel committee sure does!!!

What I liked: It's hard to know how good poetry is since, translation, yo. With that said, I really liked the way in which Milosz evoked an interesting and unique landscape. There was some interesting writing here, with nice, vivid descriptions.

With that said, it's still poetry, so all I've got to go off of are cool descriptions. (I guess there are poets who do more - Rita Dove comes to mind - but not a great many.)

What I Disliked: Not really anything. But poetry is hard to critique. I can't comment on characters or plot or suspense. That's not what this medium does. It's all about is the language unique? Which...IDK? I mean, I don't speak Polish. So...

Should it have won a Nobel: I retain my belief that I can't really evaluate poetry in a langauge that's not my own. I suck at it even in my own language. So...

Next Up: "Auto Da Fe" by Elias Canetti (Which...sure. Let's make no real sense of the spelling.)

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