Friday, May 28, 2021

The Fish Can Sing by Halldór Laxness

Name: Halldór Laxness

Year Won: 1955

Read: "The Fish Can Sing"

Original Language: Icelandic

Reason: "for his vivid epic power, which has renewed the great narrative art of Iceland"

About: "The Fish Can Sing" is a coming of age story in which an orphan grows up in a lovely farm in Iceland. He eventually meets an opera singer who no one has ever heard sing (even though he's famous) and forms a friendship with him. (Although this felt like a minor part of the story compared with the orphan's every day experiences.)

What I liked: The story has a wonderfully weird sense of humor. (It begins with, "A wise man once said thta next to losing its mother, there is nothing more healthy for a child than to lose its father." If this kind of humor is your thing, this is the book for you!) And the descriptions of Iceland are wonderful.

What I Disliked: The zany voice wore on me after a while. It was fun for about 50 pages, then I found it to be a bit of a slog. Also, this isn't a plot heavy story, which can make it feel more like some great humor and zany descriptions than a conventional story with a beginning and end.

Should it have won a Nobel: Probably. I think the voice wore on me, but it is unique and clever. I didn't love it in the way I did some of those on this list, but it was solidly better than a number and quite unique.

Next Up: "The Poet and the Sea" by Juan Ramon Jiménez

Wednesday, May 19, 2021

The Old Man and the Sea by Ernest Hemingway

Name: Ernest Hemingway

Year Won: 1954

Read: "The Old Man and the Sea"

Original Language: English

Reason: "for his mastery of the art of narrative, most recently demonstrated in The Old Man and the Sea, and for the influence that he has exerted on contemporary style"

About: "The Old Man and the Sea" follows an old man who is trying to catch fish. He hasn't caught one in a long time, but remains optimistic that he'll catch one soon. (As does his young apprentice, even if his young apprentice has been told to go on other boats as he's so unlucky.) The old man fishes, ends up in a brief battle with a fish (and shark), then returns and has his hands patched up by the boy. That's...pretty much it.

What I liked: For a book with such a dull plot, it somehow manages to be riveting. I'm not sure how. But it is. It's a meditation on old age, legacy, and life's meaning somehow told old guy fishing. Kudos to Hemmingway. I could not make a dude sitting in a boat in the middle of the ocean thinking about baseball fascinating, but he does it somehow. That's skill.

What I Disliked: Not really anything, which is odd. The plot is kind of dull, but it works somehow. Again, I'm not sure how, but it *does*. (At least for me.)

Should it have won a Nobel: He made an old man floating about the ocean and thinking about baseball fascinating. I don't know how he did that, but he did. The man has talent.

Next Up: The Fish Can Sing by Halldór Laxness

Thursday, May 13, 2021

A History of English Speaking Peoples by Winston S. Churchill

Name: Winston S. Churchill

Year Won: 1953

Read: "A History of English Speaking Peoples"

Original Language: English

Reason: "for his mastery of historical and biographical description as well as for brilliant oratory in defending exalted human values"

About: "A History of English Speaking Peoples" is a history of England and English colonies and post-colonies (e.g. the US, Australia, Canada) that spans from the beginning of time until the modern era. I ended up picking up the 3rd volume, which covers the reign of Queen Anne, King George the Mad, the US Revolutionary War, William of Orange, and other leaders.

What I liked: It's clearly written and easy to follow. It's also very, VERY thorough. If you wanted to know the full history of England, these volumes will do it for you. It was also rather entertaining reading about Queen Anne/Sarah/Abigail from a historian's POV (after having watched The Favorite.

What I Disliked: It's very dry. And, like many books of its era, it cares mostly about the major leaders and not so much about what life was like for anyone other than the leaders. It's very "this happened, then this" with far less emphasis on entertaining the reader.

Should it have won a Nobel: It's hard to say. I suspected, when I saw Churchill's name, that the award was given in large part as thanks for having stood up to the Nazi's and helped win WWII. After reading this, I feel that my suspicions are confirmed. With that said, Churchill did give a lot of lovely speeches and this isn't terrible bad, the way some of the winners have been. (It's an impressive achievement, after all, just less revolutionary than The History of the Roman Empire and dry enough besides.)

Next Up: The Old Man and the Sea by Ernest Hemmingway

Wednesday, May 5, 2021

Viper's Tangle by François Mauriac

Name: Francois Mauriac

Year Won: 1952

Read: "Viper's Tangle"

Original Language: French

Reason: "for the deep spiritual insight and the artistic intensity with which he has in his novels penetrated the drama of human life"

About: "Viper's Tangle" is a reasonably long book detailing a man's complaints about his wife and children (and great hatred for them) on his death bed. Yes. Literally. That's all it is. A litany about how much he hates his wife, detailing everything from that time she refused to let his mother live with him (um...reasonable?), to how she wastes money, to all kinds of other petty things.

What I liked: Pretty much nothing. I feel that I'd have been better enlightened by reading incel forums on Reddit.

What I Disliked: Pretty much everything. I fail to see why a book like this needs to exist, considering that almost everyone knows of someone who will rant endlessly about their estranged partner (and along similar lines, too!). Why not just get your most obnoxious friend drunk in a bar and listen to him? You could do that and spare yourself this existence.

Should it have won a Nobel: It seems entirely possible that Mauriac has written other, greater books. With that said, this was one of the few I found translate into English at my local possibly not.

Which means I'm inclined to think no. Although possibly this is another example of a book that has aged exceedingly poorly.

Next Up: A History of English Speaking People's by Winston S. Churchill